Oily Skin Savior: The Ultimate Guide To The Best Skincare Routine

Oily skin is product of excessive production of sebum in your skin. Since, our skin produces natural oils to maintain it’s skin barrier and preserve a youthful looking skin.

But, producing more than enough amount of oil leads to having oily skin, which in turn creates a groundwork for several types of acne such as pimples, fungal acne, whiteheads, blackheads, cystic acne etc.

Oily Skin Can Be Caused By Various Factors:


Climate plays a huge role on affecting the type of skin. Generally, people in hot and humid areas in majority tends to experience oily skin. As, humidity causes sweat and when you wipe it your skin becomes dry, which makes the sebaceous glands produce more oils to cover up the dryness, which leads over production of oil in skin.

2. Age

During the time of puberty, our body tends to produce more oils than normal.

3. Over Cleansing

Over cleansing of skin, strips the natural oils in the skin causing it to produce more sebum.

4. Genetics

Chances are oily skin runs in the genes of your family.

5. Stress

Often increase in stress levels messes with the hormones in your skin, which in turn messes with the ph level of your skin paving a groundwork for hormonal acnes.

6. Not Moisturizing

Just because you have a oily skin, does not mean that you don’t need moisturizer. Moisturizer is one of the important things you need to keep your oily skin on lease.

So, it is really important to have a full blown skincare routine to take care of the oily skin. So that, it helps to keep acnes, whiteheads and blackheads on bay.

Managing oily skin is quite easily doable if you have the correct kind of knowledge on which products to use and how to treat it.

So, The Ultimate Skincare Routine For Oily Skin Is Here:

We have to follow 2 routines

1. AM Routine (Morning)

2. PM Routine (Night)

We have different steps for each routine.


Am routine should usually consist of low duty products. Since, it’s for morning when we are starting our days, our skincare is supposed to light and easy to follow with less steps.

Step #1. Cleanse

Your skincare routine should start with using a gel-based face wash as it will clean your face without stripping up your nature oil.

But, if you have acne prone oily skin. Look for a face-wash which contains ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide , glycolic acid in in as these ingredients exfoliate your skin gently as a result unclog your inflamed pores.


Step #2. Toner

While managing oily skin, adding toner to your skincare routine is very important. Toner helps to remove dirt and oil and also helps to minimize the appearance of pores.

Avoid alcohol based toner as it temporarily prevents oil and give a matte finish to your skin.

But, in the long run it can be drying for your skin as a result your skin will start producing more oil, which totally beats the purpose of having in the routine.

You can use mild exfoliating toner with glycolic acid or natural toner like rose water can also get your job done.


Step #3. Moisturize

We often think that our oily skin does not require any moisturizer, but it is the most important step in keeping the oil levels in our skin intact.

Opt for a light weight water based moisturizer. It is important to find a moisturizer which oil free, non comedogenic (which do not clog your pores).

And during summertime, i like to replace moisturizer with aloe vera gel. During winters, please use a moisturizer only.


Step #4. Sunscreen

I know you might hate applying sunscreen because you have oily skin. I won’t lie that it doesn’t makes one look like a greaseball.

Therefore, investing in a matte finish sunscreen beats this problem.

Use sunscreen at all cost in the AM Routine. If you are using acne treatments, as these increases the photosensitivity in our skin.

Step #5. Makeup

If you wear makeup on regular basis that is, use non comedogenic products to ensure that it doesn’t clogs your pores and cause acne.



Night routine should be more targeted for achieving skincare specific goals like treating acne , acne scars, wrinkles, pigmentation, dark circles and so on.

Although, prefer doing this routine in the evening or 1-2 hours before going to bed, reason being it helps to work more efficiently.

Step #1. Double Cleanse

First, use a oil based cleansing balm or micellar water to remove makeup along with the dirt.

When wearing makeup double cleansing is really important as it ensures that your skin is really clean from the dirt and pollution collected in your skin throughout the day.

As, using cleanser alone can not make sure that your skin is clean after wearing a makeup whole day.

Note: Only double cleanse when you are wearing makeup.

Step #2. Treatment / Serum

According to your skin concern, use treatment like retinols, spot treatments for acne, serums etc.

Step #3. Eye Cream

Use eye cream if you use any. But, make sure to non comedogenic eye cream since oily skin type are usually prone to milia under eyes.

Step #4. Moisturizer

It was a obvious step, apply your favorite moisturizer and voila, Done:)


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Thanks for reading, xoxo

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