How To Treat Fungal Acne: Causes And Ways To Treat Them

Have you ever noticed the small uniform pimple like texture in anyone’s forehead or even yours?Well, it is called fungal acne. But, don’t confuse it with regular acne as it is not the same as acne.

It is basically a type of infection in your skin’s follicle, which is called pityrosporum folliculitis. It usually affects teenagers because of extra oil production in the skin. It can occur back, neck , shoulder and of course forehead (the most common area) due to excessive amount of sweat and oil production.

I have personally dealt a lot with fungal acne on my forehead as a teenager and even now sometimes. Though, the frequency is quite lower than my teenage years.


we begin

Ways To Prevent / Rid Of Fungal Acne

#1. Follow A Healthy Diet

Now, I do understand that this will be difficult to follow.

But, the difference it will make in your skin will be all worth it plus who doesn’t dreams to be healthy? Do I need to be more convincing? I think so, yes haha.

But first, start by cutting off the sugar and processed food items from your diet. Sugar acts like accelerator in increasing fungal infections in your skin and there by making it more difficult to get rid of fungal acne.

The fungal infection won’t stop, no matter how many products or remedies you use, unless u stop the intake of things are trigger in diet.

#2. Maintain A Proper Hygiene

Make sure you bath every single day. And for those who sweat a lot due to any reason should be more careful and should clean themselves properly.

#3. New Skincare / Makeup Products

If you are someone who likes to try new skincare products frequently. Then, it might be causing you fungal acne. So, be mindful while trying new products.

Look for products which are non comedogenic in nature.

Comedogenic products tend to clog your pores, thereby creating a groundwork for fungal infections to thrive on it.

#4. Sweat

Sweat plays a major role in causing fungal acne on skin. So, if you sweat a lot and already have fungal acne. You should try to bath twice a day till it goes away.

#5. Drink Water

Again, we all know drinking water is super beneficial for us. Regularly, drinking 3 liters of water per day or specific amount of water according to your weight is recommended.

It helps to clear out the toxins (caused by sugar and processed food) on a much faster pace.

Also, don’t come at me saying water is not a solution and all. Though it is not a ultimate solution but it is a part of solution and help achieve desired results really soon.

Don’t believe me, try it out for yourself.


*drumrolls *

The grand finale of kissing fungal acne a goodbye every-time it occurs.

# 6. Ketoconazole

Didn’t understand? Well, basically look for products which has ketoconazole in it. It is found in the form of creams or shampoo.

But, using shampoo is much easier to follow

• Apply on the affected area and leave it for 5 minutes.

• Follow up with a non comedogenic moisturizer, as your skin might get a bit dry after using this shampoo.

• Use it once everyday at night for a month straight or till you fully get rid of it.

Even creams with urea and sulfur works too. But, I found ketoconazole shampoo much easier to follow and stick by. So it works best for me.

Note: While there are a lot of ways fungal acne can be fixed with such as:

1. Salicylic Acid

2. Sulfur Containing Cream

3. Urea Containing Cream

4. Anti- Bacterial Creams

But, I feel Ketoconazole was more gentle and suitable for me.

Important things to remember if you are having body fungal infections.

  1. Wear loose fitted breathable clothing (preferably cotton) if you are from humid regions.
  2. Do not wear dirty undergarments.
  3. Wash your bras after every use.
  4. Do not wear wet clothes, let it air dry well.
  5. Change out of workout clothes as soon after you finishing working out.

There you have it, guys. I hope your fungal acne infections clears up Asap! Just follow these steps and be patient because it takes time to heal the skin.

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