How To Get Rid Of Pimple As Fast As Possible: Home Remedies That Actually Work

I don’t know if there is some sort of science or magic that has pimples have to always make a grand appearance before your important events.

I mean like seriously you can be having the clearest skin of all time and then you have something important event to attend, there’s where you feel a little bump coming up to seek the attention.

Sometimes, we just want a clear skin. Well, you could be having 2-3 or a full blown acne on your face. Today, i will list down all the home remedies for getting rid of your pimples as fast as possible and which work for sure.

Before, we move on to the actual home remedies.

Let’s know about how pimples are formed and what causes them. So, we know what to keep in mind in order to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Now, i know that sometimes no matter how much you try nothing seems to work. eg : for people with severe acne issues , no form of prevention can sometimes help with severe acne and many external issues like hereditary (yes), if any one of your parents suffered severe acne in their teenage or early 20’s that means you are prone to it as well.

In these cases, you should and have to seek dermatologist for their professional advice and they customize can make a special routine for you, moreover you can also ask them to suggest you product that are budget friendly for you.


What is pimple?

A pimple is a small bump on the skin that can be red, white, or black in color. It happens when pores on the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. This can cause inflammation and lead to the formation of a pimple.

Pimples are most commonly found on the face, neck, back, and chest and can be treated with over-the-counter medications, topical creams, and good skincare habits.

While pimples are often considered a common and temporary skin problem, severe or persistent acne may require medical attention.


1. Excess Of Oil Production

2. Excess Of Dead Skin Cells

3. Dirty Pillow Cases/ Bedsheets

4. Dirty Makeup

5. Constant Touching Your Face

6. Certain Medications

7. Genetics

8. Stress

9. Poor Diet

10. Lack Of Sleep

Now, that we know all the causes. We can go ahead with how to treat pimples.

Home Remedies

1. Tea Tree Oil + Aloe Vera

This is one of the best home remedies for treating pimples out there. Tea tree oil has anti inflammatory, anti bacterial properties that help to deal with redness. Remember, tea tree oil is very potent in it’s own and if applied alone it can cause chemical burn, damage and irritation to the skin.

So, we dilute the tea tree oil first. While, tea tree oil can be diluted with any carrier oil mostly coconut oil. But, i find it very risky since coconut oil is comedogenic in nature that is can clog the pores easily. So, it is best to avoid.

Therefore, we can dilute it with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel on it’s own is a ingredient used to manage acne and acne scars but using aloe vera gel on it’s own will not do much for your acne. But, it works as a great booster if combined with other ingredients.

How to use:

• mix 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel.

• You can apply it to your whole clean face or as a spot treatment and can store the remaining gel in a little container for future use.

• Use it 2x a day (can keep it or wash it after 30 mins) and after that follow up with a moisturizer.

Tip: store this mixture in your freezer and then apply the cold mixture. It helps to bring down the redness and inflammation.

2. Zap It Up With Essential Oils

After the tea tree essential oil, this one is my very favorite.

Many essential oils have antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties that help clear out the pimples.

Oils such as lavender, rose, clove essential helps to fight acne. This lavender one was suggested by my friend and it also helps to fall asleep at night.

As lavender essential oils are often used in aroma therapy to help people relax and fall asleep.

Direction To Use:

• Use any essential oil of your choice and dilute it with aloe vera gel. As, essential oils are very concentrated.

• 2-3 drops with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera. Mix it well and refrigerate the mixture and apply as a spot treatment or to your whole clean face.

• You can either keep it or face off your face after 30 mins, but in both cases you have to follow up with an moisturizer.

• Can use it once or twice a day depending on your schedule.

3. Green Tea Ice Cubes

Now, this one is equally effective when it comes to treating pimples overnight. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, anti inflammatory and is anti bacterial which helps to fight with acne.

Green tea when freezed if applied to skin helps to bring down the swelling, inflammation and redness of the pimple.

# Best for people with sensitive skin.

How To Use:

• Boil some green tea and put it in ice tray to make some ice cubes out it and apply it to your pimple in intervals of 1 mins. Apply thrice a day.

• Make green tea and store it in a spray bottle and refrigerate it. Use this spray as a toner and then follow up with moisturizer.

4. Honey + Lemon

This one right here also helps to minimizing the appearance of scar of along with treating the pimple as it’s rich in vitamin C.

Now, using lemon on your zits might seem like a controversial topic.

But, here the thing in skincare that everyone has different skin, so something that work for you might not work for others.

And, i am telling you that lemon works if used properly for treating pimples. It worked for me. So, it is on the list.

You can also give it a shot and see if it works for you too.

Honey has natural anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties and also has a moisturizer effect too.

Though, honey on it’s own might not get you rid of acne for sure.

But, combined with lemon it sure increases the efficiency and decreases the side effects of lemon i.e redness, irritation or damaging skin barrier.

Now, Who can use lemon?

• People who have oily skin or combination skin can try surely but follow up with a moisturizer to protect your skin barrier.

• Not recommended for people with dry skin (although it is 50-50 you can try if you are willing to) but make sure to use moisturizer which are suitable for dry skin.

Discontinue, if experiencing increased redness or irritation.

• An absolute no-no for people with sensitive skin. You can try the other methods discussed.

How To Use :

• Mix lemon juice with honey in equal parts and apply for 15 minutes as a spot treatment and then wash it off.

• 2x daily and apply moisturizer.

• Remember to always apply sunscreen of your as lemon increases photosensitivity of the skin.

5. Go With Cinnamon And Honey

Turn up to this trusted combo for getting rid of those unwelcome pimples. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon and anti-bacterial honey, your pimples will soon be non-existent.

Direction To Use :

• Combine ½ teaspoon of cinnamon with 2 tablespoons of honey to create a thick paste.

• Apply twice daily.

• Use it as a spot treatment and wait for 30 minutes then wash it off and follow up with a moisturizer.

6. Ice

Surprising but yet one of the easiest to follow . But, i do find it works better along with use other treatments for acne as well. But, it does helps in shrinking the size of the pimple and calm the skin.

Direction To Use:

• Can use 3 time a day

• Do not apply ice cube directly to your pimple wrap it up with a clean cloth and then apply.

7. Moisturize

Added it to the list, as having a well moisturized skin helps to control excess of sebum production and thereby decrease the chances of occasional pimples and protect skin barrier.

You should moisturize after using these acne treatment everytime. As acne treatments are generally drying in nature and thereby disrupt skin barrier if not moisturized.

Moisturizing also helps to get rid of the scar left behind by the pimples.

Note: All of the above treatments are not a substitute treatment for severe acne. It is for those occasional pimple outbreaks or works best for moderate acne.

Also, before using any of these remedies make sure your hands and face is clean.

In order anything to work great you need a clean canvas to begin with. Pimples and acne come and go and finding what works for it, is our job.

So, there’s no need to be extra sad when you see a new pimple popping up it’s alright and it’s natural.

Please seek a dermat when needed, if you going through

• Severe acne

• Have acne for years now (not talking about those occasional 2 -3 pimple)

• Hindering with your mental health and confidence.

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Thanks for reading, xoxo

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