How To Get Rid Of Blind Pimple

If there is anything more annoying than a regular pimple, then it is for sure going to be blind pimples or aka under the skin pimples.

Because not only treating it is more challenging but also it may stay on for weeks or oh, boy sometimes even months to go on it’s own and also ends up leaving scar behind which again takes another 2-3 weeks to go.

Frustrating, isn’t it? Though we can never control when it’s going to occur because a lot of times, it happens due to hormonal imbalance. But, we can treat it accordingly to reduce the weeks it might take to disappear on it’s own.

A pimple that develops under the skin is called blind pimple or they are also known as under the skin pimple.

So, In this guide we will talk about how to treat blind pimples safely. So that it takes less to heal and get rid of the scars, Step by step:-

1. Wash Your Face

The moment you notice a little bump under your skin. First thing to do is, just go and wash your face but be sure to be gentle around and in the skin where you feel the bump, remember do not apply too much pressure while washing your face around that area.

2. Do Not Pick At Your Skin

As soon as we notice a under the skin pimple, we usually tend to pick at it. Which is a big no-no. Since, you are already transforming more inflammation causing germs to your already inflamed skin.

And also, picking at your pimple may push the cyst even more deep under the skin than it already is.

Be sure to wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

Now, we are listing ways on how you can treat your blind pimples.

3. Treat It With Warm Compress

It is the most commonly used method when it comes to getting rid of a blind pimple in a faster pace.

Basically here, we use washcloth wetted with hot water and then we apply it on the affected area to encourage the break down of puss inside the skin layer (dissolve) and helps to bring it on the skin surface.

So that, it is much easier and faster to treat like normal pimples.

Direction to use:

Wet a washcloth in hot water, but make sure it is not too hot to burn your skin. It should be just warm enough that your skin can handle and apply it for 10 mins several times a day.

Doing this for 2 days will surely give results.

4. Treat It With Blue Light Therapy

Gone are the days where you could only get blue light therapy in a dermatologist’s clinic, which is obviously very expensive.

You can get it done at home. If you are not a budget, I seriously recommend you to consider investing on a good at home LED device.

Tip: if you are doing blue light therapy, there is no need to use warm compress.

It helps to boost collagen production which healths to maintain the youthfulness of our skin but the blue light is very well suitable for fighting the inflammation of a blind pimple and decreasing it’s appearance on the skin.

There is also devices which offers both the blue light and the red light therapy.

Now, what does red light therapy does?

Well, it helps to reduce scar formation and lighten the scars. You are someone that suffers with acne a lot, it might prove to be a good investment for you.

But, be sure to invest a good one not just any random cheap ones as the downside would be they may stop working within months itself and your money goes in drain. Instead, research properly if you are considering to invest and also read reviews of those products.

Here are some of my recommendations, you can check it out for you like:)

5. Treat It With Tropical Creams

You can try using products containing benzoyl peroxide , salicylic acid and retinoids or antibiotic creams to reduce the bacteria and dry out the pimple. But, personally your go to should be salicylic acid because it helps to develop a head so much faster.

6. Treat It With Natural Remedies

Now, if you are someone who prefers natural remedies over tropical creams.

So, dilute tea tree oil with aloe vera gel and using it as a spot treatment may work best for you.

Apart from this, there is no other natural remedy that may work. As, getting rid of blind pimple is a bit challenging so wasting your time with any other home remedy may not be worth your time.

Now, after treating with any steps mentioned above

7. Be Sure To Moisturize

The main aim of using tropical creams or tea tree oil is to dry out your pimple. But, if you just spot treat your pimple and not moisturize your skin after, the pimple dry out at a point that your skin appears to be burned sort or dark. It happened to me, so make sure that you are applying moisturizer after spot treating.

Another, benefit of moisturizing is it helps to keep new occurring pimples at bay. As, moisturizing helps to maintain the oil on your skin thereby preventing acne.

8. Zap It With Pimple Patch

Once you notice a big puss filled pimple on the surface , you can do two things here :

1. Pop it (i know, but there are safe ways to pop)

Or else

2. Use a pimple patch

They help to remove puss filled pimple quite effortlessly and decreasing the risk of causing inflammation in the surrounding areas as well.

Simply stick a patch on your pimple and forget about it. And remove it on the next day, you will find puss is being removed along with the patch.

Now, Treat The Scars

9. Use Creams To Treat The Scars

The best way to get rid of a scar is to treat it as soon as it appears which helps to get rid of them in fast manner.

So, as soon as your blind pimple has healed meaning either it went down or you got the puss out. Now, it’s time to get to treating the scars:

Using scar treatment cream that include ingredients like :

1. Vitamin C

2. Kojic acid

3. Azelaic acid

4. Glycolic acid

5. Licorice extract

Note :

Though using sunscreen is a everyday must practice. But, if you are using any lightening and brightening cream you should use sunscreen without any fail daily. Reason being it makes your skin photo sensitive to sun and can end up darkening your skin due to exposure of sun. So, sunscreen is mandatory.


If you notice you are getting more than 4 blind pimples at a time or you only get acne in the form of blind pimple. It may be a time to seek professional help to stop the frequency of occurring blind pimple as it could be more on the severe site and may require oral prescriptions to stop them.

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