How To Get Rid Cheek Acne

Acne outbreak is something we all have suffer at least once in our life, if not more. Sometimes, i wish, i had a genie who would grant me 1 wish that would be to get rid of acne forever. Yup, you read that correct not 3 wishes just 1 is enough for me, hehe 🙂 Now, jokes a side.

Cheek acne is exactly the same it sounds. And according to me, it is the most annoying place on face to have acne.

While be it a huge pimple on your forehead or whiteheads and blackheads on your nose. Treating these are quite straightforward and guaranteed success oriented and doesn’t sticks around for a long time.


Treating acne on cheeks can be challenging and draining mentally. As, nothing seems to work on the one go and don’t even get me started on getting rid of the scar part.

As, it takes much longer time to get rid of the scar left behind by the acne in cheek.

But, don’t worry everything is possible and with patience and trust the process we will combat this together.


let’s begin, shall we?

*Causes And Preventative Measures To Take For Cheek Acne

Cheek acne is typically caused by oil that gets trapped within pores, allowing acne-causing bacteria to grow to higher-than-normal levels and create inflammation in the skin.

Cheek are more prone to forming blind pimples, nodules, pustules and cystic acne. It is quite time consuming to treat these types of acne.

So, our first step is to do every possible thing to prevent it in the first place. So that, you minimize the amount of acne to treat. But, if you already have a lot of acne. Don’t worry: i got you.


Cause #1. Oil Build Up

Pimples are basically caused by the oil build up trapped in the pores (clogged) which creates inflammation.

Note* before we go further, if your cases is very severe. Please, please consult a dermatologist. They can create a personalized routine and supplements to get for you. But, if you are getting 3-5 pimples a month. You can follow this post.

Cause # 2. Stress

This one is something I personally experience. I was one of those people who never ever experienced any breakout on my cheeks before. Until last year, so i found out that stress could be a biggest factor.

So, ladies and gentlemen. Please stop taking stress. Well, well easier said than done.

I know so try to incorporate such activities and get your work done as soon as possible which is causing you stress.

Stress plays a big role into imbalancing your hormonal levels completely, which is not only bad for your skin but also many people start experiencing hair fall due to it. And, also affects your mental health.

So, babes do everything you can to control your stress levels.

Cause # 3. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance can be caused by a lot of factors such as m:

• stress

• medical conditions such as:

Pcos / Pcod


• poor gut health

• before periods

Here are some tips to maintain hormonal imbalance.

1. Cut out sugar from your diet.

2. Get a good amount of sleep at least 8 hours per day.

3. Exercise every single day.

4. Maintain mental health (try practicing yoga / meditation)

5. Improve gut health.

• create a plan on how you are going to improve gut health.

• research well on how to tackle it.

• choose your supplements, if you are taking one wisely and according to your body requirements.

• maintain a healthy diet.

6. Drink at least average amount of water according to your weight. I am not saying you to drink an gallons of water. Just drink enough to keep your body healthy. You can just google it.

Cause # 4. Using Dirty Phone

Let me explain, mobile phone is a part of our daily life now. Wherever you go, you take your mobile phones with you no matter which (bathrooms as well). So, it’s only natural that your cellphones accumulates as many germs as possible. And then, you use your fingers with it and even they get dirty then that fingers you use to touch your face and pick at your acne. Leading to more inflammation. And not to mention, using your cellphone to talk on calls, it transfers all the germs to your cheek.

Now, i know covid is gone but we should definitely continue the practice of cleaning your cellphone with sanitizer at least once a day.

Cause # 5. Not Changing Dirty Pillow Covers

We often heard this sleeping in dirty pillow transfers all the dirt from your hair to your face, so what are you waiting for? Change your pillow covers every week once.

Cause # 6. Using Dirty Makeup Brushes/ Sponges

Just wash them once every week if you use makeup on daily basis. If not, still make sure to wash them after 3-4 uses.


On to the exciting part,

How To Treat Cheek Acne

# 1. At Home Treatment

After identifying the causes (from above list) of your acne and making suitable changes for it.

It’s time to use products or ingredients that treat acne.

Ingredients we will use:

• Salicylic acid

• Benzoyl peroxide (most go to)

• Clindamycin

First, use face-wash with salicylic acid and then use the suggested creams only on the acne (use a pea sized amount) and after wait for 15 mins or more before continuing to complete rest of your skincare routine.

Do this routine at night only daily, until you some difference.

Note: You only have to use one ointment from above. And, just take preventative measures that’s it.

Below are some product suggestions.

#2. Dermatologist

Consider consulting a dermatologist if your acne is very severe and if you have followed all the above preventative measure and following the above at home treatment for at 3 months.

Yes, 3 months becoz skincare takes time so before giving up just give it a short for months.

Remember to have patience

Acne sure does teaches us the lesson of patience and consistency before it gets better haha.

But, also you are too impatient you can just go ahead and consult a dermat.

If you found this post useful, do feel free to share it with someone who needs it. Thanks for reading 🙂 byee

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