Hair Care Tips You Need To Know for Having Gorgeous Hair

You know, hair is more than just a feature; it’s an expression of who we are. It can tell a story of our heritage, our routines, and sometimes, even our moods (hello, impromptu haircut!). But let’s be real, maintaining those luscious locks can sometimes feel like a full-time job. From the moment we step out of bed, to the countless products we slather on—hair care can be overwhelming. But fear not, my friend, because I’ve got your back!

We’ll explore tips that are not only easy to follow but also rooted in the wisdom of hair care gurus from around the globe. Whether you’re battling frizz, dreaming of volume, or longing for that silky smoothness, we’ll cover it all. 

It’s been with us through thick and thin (pun intended), and it deserves all the love we can give. So, as we go through these tips, remember to listen to your hair, give it what it needs, and don’t be afraid to pamper it. After all, when your hair is happy, it shows—and the world takes notice.

1. Try To Air Dry Your Hair As Much As Possible

I used to be the queen of blowouts. If my hair wasn’t styled to perfection, I’d freak out. But guess what? I’ve learned to embrace my natural hair texture, and it’s been liberating!

Air drying is the way to go if you want to keep your hair healthy and avoid heat damage. And if you’re as lazy as I am in the mornings, it’s a total win-win. Just gently pat your hair with a towel (no rubbing, please!), apply a leave-in conditioner like Olaplex No. 6 Bond Smoother, and let nature do its thing. Your hair will thank you, and you’ll get a few extra minutes to snooze. Relatable, right?

Imp: Now, i feel it’s important to talk about is that this rule applies mostly to thin, fine haired girls. Because generally our fine is the weakest when it is wet and leaving wet hair for longer can actually cause more and more breakage.

So, the idea here is to use blow dryer at it’s cool setting to dry your hair if you have thick hairs.

Well, for thin haired girls should air dry only because anyways it dries quickly.

2. Keep Your Scalp Clean

A happy scalp equals happy hair. Especially when you are trying to grow healthy and luscious hair, it’s important to keep your scalp clean and healthy. Like maybe you have flaky scalp, dandruff or scalp dermatitis. You need to treat them asap. And, invest in a good sulfate free shampoo for starters.

Tip: Some home remedies you can try to get rid of dandruffs and flaky scalp effectively.

1. Coconut oil/ almond oil + Lemon Juice

2. Coconut oil + 2 Camphor balls ( my fav)

3. Add few drops of Teatree oil in your Shampoo

Also: If you are using coconut oil make sure it is cold pressed, since usually normal coconut oils contain mineral oil which also causes hair loss.

3. Invest In Good Quality Heat Tools

If you’re going to use heat, make sure it’s the best you can get. I learned this the hard way after frying my hair with a cheap straightener. Trust me, investing in good tools is investing in the future of your fabulous hair.

4. Know Your Hair Type and Educated on What Works Best For It

Understanding your hair type is like having a roadmap to great hair. Once you know whether you’re dealing with fine strands, wild curls, or something in between, you can tailor your routine. 

For me, Olaplex No. 3 has been a game-changer. It’s like a repair kit for all the damage I’ve done over the years. Find what works for you, and stick with it!

5. Do Not Overwash Your Hair

Golden Rule: Overwashing can strip your hair of its natural oils, while underwashing can lead to buildup. Find your balance and stick to it. If you have fine, straight hair, you might need to wash more often than those with thick, curly, or wavy hair.

Aim at washing 2 times a week and just see the difference.

If you tend you have oily hair easily, On those in-between days, Batiste Dry Shampoo is my hero. It zaps the grease and gives me that just-washed look without the fuss.

6. Know Your Hair Porosity

Why It Matters: Hair porosity might sound like a fancy term, but it’s actually super important. It’s all about how well your hair can hold onto moisture. I did the float test (you know, where you drop a strand of hair in water) and discovered my hair is low porosity. It was a total aha moment! Now I choose products that work with my hair, not against it.

7. Homemade Hair Oils To Rescue

There’s something so satisfying about mixing up your own hair oil. It’s like being a scientist in your own beauty lab. My go-to concoction? 

Here are three homemade hair oil recipes tailored for different hair porosities, designed to promote thicker and fuller hair growth:

For Fine Hair (Low Porosity):

Low porosity hair has a tightly bound cuticle layer, which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate but also to escape. This hair type benefits from lighter oils that won’t weigh it down.

Recipe: The Lightweight Growth Booster

2 tbsp Grapeseed Oil: Light and easily absorbed, perfect for low porosity hair.

1 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil: Rich in vitamins and minerals, it strengthens hair without heaviness.

5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil: Promotes hair growth and scalp health.

5 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil: Known to stimulate hair follicles and improve thickness.

How to Use: Mix the oils together and massage into your scalp and hair. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight before washing out with a gentle shampoo.

For Medium Hair:

Medium hair is well-balanced but can still benefit from a boost in thickness and growth.

Recipe: The Balanced Strength Mix

• 2 tbsp Coconut Oil: Nourishes and conditions the hair.

• 1 tbsp Jojoba Oil: Similar to the scalp’s natural oils, it promotes a healthy scalp environment.

• 5 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil: Invigorates the scalp and can help to increase hair growth.

• 5 drops of Clary Sage Essential Oil: Encourages hair growth and strengthens hair.

How to Use: Warm the oils slightly, blend well, and apply to your scalp and hair. Cover with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes to an hour before washing out.

For Thick or Coarse Hair (High Porosity):

High porosity hair absorbs moisture quickly but loses it just as fast. This hair type needs oils that can seal in moisture and repair the hair’s structure.

Recipe: The Deep Moisture Seal

• 2 tbsp Shea Butter: Provides deep moisture and seals the cuticle.

• 1 tbsp Castor Oil: Thick and rich, it’s great for sealing and promoting hair growth.

• 1 tbsp Olive Oil: Penetrates the hair shaft and locks in moisture.

• 5 drops of Geranium Essential Oil: Helps to strengthen hair and improve elasticity.

How to Use: Melt the shea butter and mix with the oils. Apply to damp hair to lock in moisture, focusing on the ends. Leave on for at least an hour or overnight, then shampoo out.

8. Steaming Your Hair

Give your hair a spa day; that’s what steaming is all about. It opens up the hair cuticles, allowing treatments to penetrate deeply and work their magic. It’s like unlocking the full potential of your hair masks and conditioners.

How To Steam: After applying your favorite hair mask, wrap your hair in a hot towel or use a hair steamer. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Your hair will emerge softer, more manageable, and with a noticeable sheen.

9. Choose The Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type

Shampoo is not one-size-fits-all. The right shampoo can make a world of difference in your hair’s health and appearance.

For Fine Hair: Look for volumizing shampoos that can lift your hair without weighing it down. 

For Curly Hair: Hydrating shampoos with natural oils can help define curls and reduce frizz. 

For Color-Treated Hair: Color-safe shampoos will help maintain your color and prevent fading.

If you can’t decide what is good just try sulphate free shampoo.

10. Conditioner your hair every time you wash it

No Excuses, Babe: Skipping conditioner is a sin in the hair care bible. It’s essential for keeping your hair soft, manageable, and protected from damage.

Now, which conditioner is best? Normal or Leave in Conditioner?

So, for thin, fine hair girlies normal conditioner works it’s charm.

And for thick, curly hair girlies leave in conditioner is your best bet.

11. Use Microfiber Towel Or Soft T Shirt

Pro Tip Alert: Ditch the rough towels that can cause breakage. A microfiber towel or a soft old T-shirt is your hair’s new best friend. They’re gentle and absorbent, and they won’t rough up your hair cuticle. The Aquis Lisse Luxe Hair Towel is a personal favorite of mine.

12. Always Use Cold Water To Rinse Your Hair

Trust Me On This One: Hot water might feel relaxing, but it’s no good for your hair. Cold water seals the cuticle, locking in moisture and leaving your hair looking shiny and smooth. It’s a bit of a shock at first, but it’s totally worth it.

Do this and watch your hairs transform themselves back to life.

13. Never Ever Comb Wet Hair

Listen up, Wet hair is super vulnerable to damage. If you must detangle, use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers, and always start from the bottom and work your way up. The Tangle Teezer is a lifesaver for this.

14. Use Heat Protectant Spray

Non-Negotiable: If you’re using heat on your hair, you need to protect it. A good heat protectant spray will shield your hair from the high temperatures of styling tools GHD Heat Protect Spray is my go-to for keeping my hair safe.

15. Protect Your Hair From Pollution

City Girls, Hear Me Out, Pollution is a silent hair killer. You must protect your hair from the harsh sun, dirt and dust. I know it sounds too extra but you need to get a hair uv spray for those beach days when you’re sun bathing, we don’t want to let our hard work go to drain, right?

And, mostly for days you are just in sun for longer time you can cover up your head with scarfs which protects you from potential damages.

16. Massage Your Head

A good scalp massage can do wonders for your hair growth. It stimulates blood flow to your scalp, which helps nutrients get to your hair follicles. Plus, it’s super relaxing. You can use a Scalp Massager or just your fingertips—either way, it’s a treat for your scalp and soul. A literal selfcare moment.

17. Use Shower Filter

Did You Know? Hard water can leave mineral deposits on your hair, making it dull and lifeless. A shower filter can help by removing these impurities. The T3 Source Showerhead Filter is a great option to keep your hair looking its best. Trust me, you’ll definitely see a difference in your hair scalp health and hair loss significantly.

18. Hair Mask Once a Week

Treat your hair to a deep conditioning treatment once a week. It’s like a reset button for your hair Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Mask is packed with nutrients that’ll bring your hair back to life.

For this, i just love using homemade hair mask, they are easy to make and cost effective. So, a total win-win!

Sharing you some:)

Banana and Honey Mask:

• Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

• Instructions: Mash the banana and mix it with honey and coconut oil until you get a smooth paste. Apply to your hair, leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

2. Avocado and Egg Mask:

• Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon olive oil.

• Instructions: Blend the avocado and egg together, then stir in the olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing.

3. Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera Mask:

• Ingredients: 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel.

• Instructions: Mix the coconut oil and aloe vera gel. Apply to your hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then shampoo out.

19. Scalp Scrub

Just like your face, your scalp needs exfoliation too. Dead skin cells and product buildup can suffocate your follicles, and we don’t want that, do we? A good scalp scrub like dpHUE Apple Cider Vinegar Scalp Scrub can work wonders. It’s like a detox for your scalp, and girl, it feels amazing.

Here, Are Some Easy Diy Scalp Scrubs:

1. Brown Sugar and Oatmeal Scrub

Mix equal parts brown sugar and oatmeal with a bit of your favorite conditioner for a gentle exfoliating scrub.

Salt and Lemon Juice Scrub:

Combine coarse salt with a few tablespoons of lemon juice and olive oil to balance scalp pH and remove dead skin cells.

Baking Soda and Conditioner Scrub:

A simple mix of baking soda with your conditioner can help to cleanse the scalp and remove buildup.

Honey and Coconut Oil Scrub:

Honey’s antibacterial properties and coconut oil’s moisturizing benefits make this scrub soothing and nourishing.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sea Salt Scrub:

The acidity of apple cider vinegar paired with sea salt’s exfoliating texture can deeply cleanse the scalp.

20. Do Protein Treatment Once A Month

Your hair is made of protein, and sometimes it needs a little extra. A monthly protein treatment can help strengthen your strands and prevent breakage. I’m all about that Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Mask. It’s like a protein shake for your hair—deliciously nourishing!

Ok, here for home remedies a classic egg hair mask also works!

21. Use Diy Hair Serum With Argon Oil And Grapeseed Oil

Mix up your own hair serum with argan oil and grapeseed oil. It’s super easy and cost-effective. Plus, you know exactly what’s going into it—only the good stuff. This serum will add shine, reduce frizz, and protect your hair from the elements. It’s like a little shield of armor, and who doesn’t want that?

22. Use Clarifying Shampoo And Every 15 Days

Detox Alert: Every now and then, your hair needs a reset. A clarifying shampoo like Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo will remove all the gunk and give your hair a fresh start. It’s like hitting the refresh button, and trust me, your hair will feel brand new.

23. Sleep On Silk Pillowcases

Silk pillowcases are a game-changer. They reduce friction, which means less breakage and frizz when you wake up. Plus, they feel luxuriousSlip Silk Pillowcase is my nighttime essential. It’s like sleeping on a cloud that’s also looking out for your hair.

24. Switch To Wooden Comb ( Neem Wood Comb)

Wooden combs are gentle on your hair and scalp. They distribute oils evenly, which is great for hair health. A neem wood comb also has natural antibacterial properties. It’s like having a little hair therapist in your drawer.

So, seriously MAKE THE SWITCH

25. Do Not Wear Tight Hair Styles Often

Tight hairstyles can cause tension and breakage. Let your hair down, literally. Embrace loose, comfortable styles that let your scalp breathe. Your hair will be happier, and so will you. So, you need to give your hair a break!

26. Use Satin Scrunchies

Satin scrunchies are your hair’s BFF. They’re gentle and won’t leave those annoying creases. Plus, they come in so many cute colors and styles. It’s like accessorizing while caring for your hair.

27. Practice Mediation

Mind and Hair Connection: Stress can wreak havoc on your hair. Meditation can help reduce stress and, in turn, keep your hair healthy. It’s like a zen session for your mind and a spa day for your hair.

28. Eat Mindfully

You Are What You Eat: A balanced diet is crucial for hair health. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins will nourish your hair from the inside out. It’s like feeding your hair a gourmet meal every day.

Don’t know what to eat? Check out this-

29. Get 8 Hours Of Sleep

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It’s essential for overall health, including your hair. It’s like charging your batteries, and your hair is one of the devices. Afterall, it’s called beauty sleep for a reason.

30. Drink Water

Water is life, and that includes your hair. Staying hydrated helps maintain healthy hair. If plain water is too boring, spice it up with some lemon or cucumber or some fruit and mint infused water?

31. Reduce Stress

I know life can be very stressful at times but have the faith it is a time and it’ll pass too. One day, things will be better I just need to keep going. Just this reminder will help your ease your mind and try to stop that overthinking and as a result you’ll notice the change in your hair and that in turn will make you a bit happier at least. Like life’s not good rn but at least my hair is?

So, we have reached the end and i hope you love this post. Just know that haircare needs practice and consistency.

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