15+ Essential Tips for Taking Care of Low Porosity Hair

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve got a fabulous crown of low porosity hair. And let me tell you, it’s like having a rare gem—unique, beautiful, and sometimes a tad mysterious. 

Think of it as the VIP section of the hair universe—where the bouncers (a.k.a. your cuticles) are pickier than a Michelin-starred restaurant. They’re like, “Moisture? Nah, we’ve got a strict guest list.”

But fear not! Because I’ve got your back with over 15 essential tips to pamper your locks and unlock the secrets to bouncy, vibrant, and well-nourished hair and your sister in the quest for that ‘just-stepped-out-of-a-salon’ feeling every day.

What Is Low Porosity Hair?

Ok, so let’s get nerdy for a sec. Let’s talk science. Your hair is like a three-layered cake (minus the calories, of course!): the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. Now, low porosity hair? It’s got that cuticle layer on lockdown. The cuticle rejects more the hair products. So, what does this mean for you? Well, your hair doesn’t easily absorb water, oils, or love letters from hydrating products. It’s like a sassy diva—picky, but oh-so-gorgeous.

Challenges Of Low Porosity Hair

1. Moisture-Resistant- Low porosity hair is like that friend who can’t take a hint. It’s resistant to moisture, which means water and oils often sit on top rather than soaking in. It’s the diva of hair types, really.

2. Takes Its Sweet Time- This hair type is never in a rush, especially when it comes to drying. It takes its sweet time to air dry, leaving you waiting and waiting… and waiting.

3. Product Buildup Pro- Low porosity hair is a hoarder of products. It tends to accumulate buildup because products don’t absorb well. So, if your hair feels like it’s wearing a coat of everything you’ve ever applied, you might be part of the low porosity club.

4. Color and Chemical Shy- If you’ve ever tried to color your hair and it just laughed in the face of bleach or dye, you know what I’m talking about. Low porosity hair is resistant to chemical treatments, making it a challenge for any color change adventures.

5. Elasticity, Who?- This hair type often lacks elasticity, making it prone to breakage. It’s like trying to stretch a piece of dry spaghetti – not much give there.

6. Oily Yet Dry- Sounds like a paradox, right? Low porosity hair can look oily at the roots because moisture isn’t distributed well, but the ends can be as dry as a desert.

Why Proper Care Matters?

It’s so important to give your hair type the right type of care. That is, if you want them to stay in your hair for a long time. While low porosity hair usually looks gorgeous and actually feel like there is nothing wrong with them. It’s truely possible that it is not given the right type of care. Which in turn makes them seriously brittle, prone to damage and breakage resulting in loosing your precious strands. And, no one likes that!

1. Use Lightweight Oils

If you’re rocking low porosity hair, you know the struggle of products sitting on your hair like an unwanted guest. The key? Go for oils that are as light as your favorite summer dress Argan oil is your BFF here—it’s like giving your hair a hydrating hug without the heaviness. Jojoba oil? It’s like your hair’s own personal hydration, mimicking the natural oils of your scalp. And let’s not forget about sweet almond oil—it’s the perfect plus-one for your hair, providing just the right amount of moisture.

2. Use the Greenhouse Effect

This isn’t your average gardening tip—it’s a moisture miracle for your locks! By trapping in your body heat with a shower cap or even a simple plastic bag, you’re sending your hair to hydration city. It’s like turning your head into a cozy, moisture-infused greenhouse. Just remember, this method is all about using natural oils, conditioners and butters on damp hair to really kick that sebum production into high gear.

3. Beware of Protein Overload

Listen up, protein is great and all, but too much of it can turn your hair into a brittle mess. It’s like going to the gym too often and not giving your muscles a break—your hair needs that R&R too. If your strands start feeling more like straw than silk, it’s time to ease up on the protein-packed products. Balance is key, and low porosity hair can be a bit of a drama queen when it comes to protein. Staying away from coconut oils, castor oils and rice water treatments is your best bet to avoid protein overload.

4. Avoid Heavy Products

We’re all about that volume, honey, but not when it comes to our product choices. Heavy creams and butters can leave your hair feeling weighed down and lifeless. Think about wearing a winter coat in July—yeah, that’s a hard no. Stick to lighter lotions and milks that’ll keep your hair bouncy and free. Because honestly they are doing nothing to your hair type, therefore waste of product and money.

5. Regularly Clarify Your Hair

By now, since you already that most products sit on your low porosity hair rather than getting absorbed. This means it more prone to product buildup and dirt which can be a breeding ground for all things nasty and in order to grow hair. You need to provide clean scalp for those new hair growth. So, clarifying every 15 days is must in your dictionary.

6. Look for pH-Balanced Products

Your hair’s pH is like the caution zone; it’s gotta be just right. Low porosity hair thrives with products that are pH-balanced to help those tight cuticles lay flat and behave. It’s all about maintaining that perfect environment for moisture without causing a ruckus.

7. Avoid Hot Water

Hot water might be your go-to for a relaxing shower, but your hair? Not so much. It can strip away moisture faster than you can say ‘hydrate,’ leaving your hair thirstier than a cactus in the desert. Stick to lukewarm water to keep your hair’s moisture levels on point, which is just right temperature not too hot or cold.

8. Use Pre Poo

It’s a must in my book for keeping those locks luscious.

Pre-poo is like the appetizer before the main course; it sets the stage for a fabulous wash day. By treating your hair with oils or conditioners before shampooing, you’re giving it a protective shield, locking in moisture, and making sure the shampoo doesn’t strip away all the good oils.

9. Use Steam Or Thermal Cap

For low porosity hair, use heat as a friend, not a foe. A steam treatment or thermal cap can gently coax those tight cuticles to open up, allowing deep conditioners to work their magic. It’s a straightforward way to ensure your hair gets the deep hydration it needs without any fuss. Just remember, moderation is key; too much heat can be damaging, so use this technique sparingly and with care.

All you need to do is when you apply a hairmask or deep conditioner, you stream your hair with a hot towel or streamer for 15 minutes before washing. I like to do this method 1-2 times a month.

10. Use Water and Light Weight Products

When it comes to low porosity hair, water is your ultimate hydrator. After all, hydration starts with H2O, right? We need to make sure we’re using the right kind of products. Lightweight, water-based products are like the smooth talkers that can charm their way past those tight cuticles. They don’t just sit on top of your hair, they actually get inside and gets those strands hydrated. So, think hydrating mists, milks, and leave-in conditioners that are as light as a feather but pack a punch when it comes to moisture. Your hair will be soaking up the goodness without any of the heaviness – it’s a win-win!

11. Apply Products to Damp Hair 

Timing is everything, darling! Just after washing, your hair has absorbed a lot of water and will find it hard to absorb anything else. So, apply your products to damp hair for better absorption. It’s like giving your hair a front-row seat to the moisture show! 

12. Incorporate the LCO Method

LCO, the magic letters for your curls! It stands for liquid/leave-in, cream, and oil – the ultimate sequence for maximum moisture. First, spritz with a water-based moisturizer or a revitalizing mist (like our favorite Shedavi Revitalizing Mist). Next, smooth on your styling cream or gel (try the Wash + Go Styling Gel if you’re not a cream person). Finally, seal the deal with your favorite oil (our Hair & Scalp Growth Elixir is a winner). Voilà! Tons of moisture that lasts for days. 

13. Protect your hair at night 

Protect your hair, wrapped in a luxurious silk or satin pillowcase, like a queen during her beauty sleep. Unlike cotton, these materials create less friction, reducing the risk of tangling and breakage. Alternatively, you can channel old Hollywood glamour by wrapping your hair in a silk or satin scarf before bed. Trust me, your hair will thank you in the morning! 

14. Deep Condition Regularly

This is non-negotiable, darlings. Deep conditioning treatments are like weekly therapy sessions for your hair. They restore, rejuvenate, and revitalize. Because low porosity hair needs conditioning as much.

Opt for lightweight formulas to avoid product buildup. And here’s a pro tip: use heat (like a hair steamer) to open up those cuticles and let the magic happen! 

15. Be Patient When Drying

Low porosity hair takes its sweet time, darlings. Once it’s wet, air-drying might feel like waiting for a sunrise. But hey, patience pays off! So, don’t reach out for your hair dryer just yet. Air drying is the kindest way to dry low porosity hair. If you must use a dryer, use a diffuser on a cool or low setting to avoid causing any drama.

16. Detangle Gently

Handle with care! Low porosity hair can be a bit finicky when it comes to detangling. So, here’s the golden rule: be gentle. Start by using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to work through any knots or tangles. Begin from the tips and work your way up to the roots. And remember, avoid brushes; they can cause breakage and damage. Your hair deserves the royal treatment, so treat it like the crown it is!

17. Use Humectants Wisely

Humectants like glycerin can be great, but in the wrong climate, they can actually pull moisture out of your hair. Use them when the air is just right – not too dry, not too humid. So, please keep this in mind to avoid frizzy hair.

18. Avoid Heavy Products with Protein and Silicone

Say no to hair party crashers! You want your curls to dance freely, right? So, avoid products with protein and silicone – they can cause buildup on the hair. Instead, opt for lightweight creams and gels. Remember, your hair is the VIP, and it deserves the best treatment! 

And there you have it, 18 essential tips to pamper your low porosity locks and turn them into the crowning glory they deserve.

Your hair journey is uniquely yours, and these tips are your compass. So, keep experimenting, keep hydrating, and keep shining. Until next time, my queens – stay fabulous!

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