15 Common Skincare Myths Decoded: What You Should Really Believe

Hey there, skincare enthusiasts and curious learners! We’ve all been there – scouring the internet for that magical remedy or secret trick to achieve flawless skin. But hold on a moment!

Welcome to our myth-busting journey – “10 Common Skincare Myths Decoded: What You Should Really Believe.”

We get it – the world of skincare can be a maze of conflicting advice, leaving you puzzled about what’s right and what’s just a beautifully packaged fallacy.

From the “toothpaste as a pimple remedy” to “oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer,” we’ve heard it all.

We’ve sifted through the myths that have played on our hopes and fears, and we’re here to serve you a plate of reality.

Together, we’ll explore these myths, So whether you’ve spent ages chasing that elusive skincare holy grail or you’re just starting your journey toward healthier skin, fasten your seatbelt.

Get ready to wave goodbye to misconceptions and wave hello to a new level of skincare savvy. No more blindly following trends that lead to nowhere – it’s time to embrace the real deal.

Let’s dive into the truth behind these 10 common skincare myths and discover what you should truly believe. Your skin will thank you for it!

Myth #1. Hot Water Is Good For Your Skin.

Sure, taking a hot water shower helps you to relax. And sometimes, it is just what you need true that.

Hot water might help to clean your skin better. It is important to remember that not to overdo it, hot water strips down the natural oils from your skin therefore making it more dry than usual and to make up for it your skin starts producing more natural oils.

Thereby, producing excess of sebum which may cause back acne, chest acne and butt acne and not to mention face acne, of course.

Tip: So, be sure to limit your hot shower to once or twice a week. And, moisturize the skin well afterwards.

Important : Do not use hot water on your face, as your face is more fragile than body. You can use warm water instead.

Myth #2. Applying Ice Is Good For Your Face

Remember, back in 2016 and before where every single bloggers to beauty influencers recommended to apply ice to your face for glowing and pimple free skin?

Well, you are someone who lives in humid climate and hot weather. It might not be a bad idea for you.


If you are someone who lives in dry and cold climate at least more than 6 months of cold, applying ice directly to your face is a big no no.

It will damage you more than you realize and applying ice is sometimes so painful right.

But what if, you still want to use ice or maybe like the cooling sensation it gives you? Then, use a cloth and wrap it around the ice and apply.

Or else you can,

Freeze some aloe vera gel with water in 3:1 ratio in ice holder. Apply it to directly to your face and it won’t be much cool like ice cubes. And after applying, let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off. You will feel so much hydrated and good.

You can also replace the water with honey for a more richer experience. If you like this tip, comment below to let me know 🙂

Myth #3. Lips Are Sunproof

A lot of us make this mistake, we often use sunscreen on our face but completely neglect our lips.

Lips is 10x more thinner then our skin. So, it can easily get affected by the sun at much faster pace. Also, if you are tanned or darker skin toned.

Please, do consider getting a spf rich lip products. It will help in reducing the hyperpigmentation usually brown and dark skin tends to have.

Myth #4. SPF Is The Savior

A lot of makeup companies are including spf in their product. While, it is good thing for extra protection but it is not enough and shouldn’t be relayed upon alone.

Spf only helps to fight UVA rays and not UVB. So, buy one sunscreen that has both on it. Mostly go with the broad spectrum ones.

Myth #5. Eating Junk Food Causes Zits – Kind of True

Yes, Eating junk food definitely causes zits. But, it is not entirely the main reason or only one reason.

Not only junk food but things like sugar and processed food contributes in causing acne. And often, cutting it out of your diet is the first step to getting rid of acne.

But, You can Eat sometimes. This was said so that you don’t miss out on those delicious food and sometimes you can have it every once in a while but be sure to not overdo it.

Myth #6. Water Is A One Stop Solution For All Skincare Problems

Whatever you are doing : Be it following a skincare routine, trying to be healthy and losing weight. Drinking adequate amounts of water is very beneficial for fast pacing the process.

But, it is not the only thing to do. It should be incorporated along with the things necessary to treat all problems.

Myth #7. Popping Pimple Is Not Okay

Now, this one is a debatable topic. But, what would you do if you a have huge puss filled pimple on the verge of popping itself? And if you leave it just like that, it will stay there for a longer time, Which is so irritating


Here is a technique to pop a pimple.

Step 1. Get a needle, comedones extractor and cotton ball.

Step 2. Poke a little hole on the pimple with needle.

Step 3. Now, use the extractor to take out the puss slowly and without applying pressure.

Step 4. Clean it with cotton bud and water.

Myth #8. Facial Oils Cause Breakouts

If you have dry skin, facial oil can be a great way to achieve hydration on your skin.

But, make sure to use facial oils which are non comedogenic. And, using coconut oil on face is a big no and will clog your pores too.

Myth #9. Natural Remedies Is Not Effective

While not all natural ingredients work or are safe.

But, ingredients like honey, turmeric, yogurt, olive oil, coconut oil and even lemon ( sometimes) do work if used for a long period of time.

We often tend to forget that in order for something to work, you need to give it enough tries. I mean if the creams we spend so much money on, don’t work just after single use. So, be patient and keep your expectations realistic.

Myth #10. Acne Goes Away As You Age

No, acne has nothing to do with age and everything to do with genetics, hormonal imbalances and the lifestyle you have.

Myth #11. Dermatologically Tested Does Not Automatically Makes Product Safe

Dermatologically tested is just a hyped marketing scheme to get the products to sell. It doesn’t guarantees that it is safe. So, be vary of this claim.

Myth #12. Your Skin Can Never Be Too Clean

It is quite easy to over clean your skin, but it is not good for your skin. Your skin needs to have moisture in them.

Overcleaning can result into rough and damaged skin. Make sure to only wash your face twice a day.

And, invest on ph based facewash if you are required to wash more than twice daily.

Myth #13. Oily Skin Doesn’t Need Moisturizer

This one is a big no, since applying moisturizer religiously everyday helps to maintain the excess of oil production in your skin.

And, if done for a long period it can actually transform your oily skin into normal skin over the period of time. Just use water based products more.

Myth #14. Products Labeled as “Natural” and “Chemical-Free” is Better for Your Skin When Compared to Other Types of Products

You can get allergic reactions even from natural and chemical free products. So, don’t just blindly buy them.

Use what suits your skin best and works for it.

Myth #15. The Harder You Scrub, The Better

It is the other way round, you should scrub for longer time not harder.

You finally reached the end, if you have heard any more myths. Do share it in the comments below. Okies now, ba-byeee:)

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