20 Causes Of Hair Loss With Solutions That You Need!

You wake up, head to the shower, and as you run your fingers through your hair, you find a few strands coming out. No big deal, right? But then, it happens again the next day, and the day after that. Suddenly, your hairbrush looks like a furry pet, and the shower drain is clogged with what used to be a part of you. Hair loss, a silent struggle that many face, can be a source of hidden pain and frustration.

It’s not just about vanity; it’s about identity. For many, our hair is a symbol of youth and vitality, and losing it can feel like losing a part of ourselves. The emotional toll is real and often overlooked. Studies show that hair loss can lead to psychological distress, affecting personal, social, and work-related interactions. It’s a challenge that can leave you feeling helpless, but here’s the thing: you’re not alone.

Did you know that by the age of 30, 25% of men and 12% of women experience hair loss? It’s a widespread issue, yet we often suffer in silence. But today, we’re breaking that silence. We’re here to talk about it, understand it, and most importantly, tackle it head-on.

Fighting the Hair Fall: Solutions to Save Your Strands

Before we dive into the causes, let’s clear the air: losing 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal. But when you start shedding more than that, it’s time to pay attention. Hair loss can sneak up on you, and the reasons behind it are as varied as the individuals it affects.

1. Genetics: The Family Tree of Hair Loss

Just like the color of your eyes, hair loss can be a family affair. If your family tree shows a pattern of balding, you might be more likely to experience it too. It’s called androgenetic alopecia, and it’s the most common cause of hair loss.

Solution: While you can’t change your genes, you can slow down the process. You can put that extra care for your hair to alter your genes a bit.

Minoxidil (Rogaine) – It is a over the counter medication but there has been many researches that actually proves that it works to grow hair and prevent hair loss. But, consistency is key over here. I mean try it, babes!

Rosemary– Now, if you have been searching for hair loss and hair growth tips chances are you have already across this herb in all the places. And, I can’t blame it, it’s so good and well this herb is actually equivalent to 2% minoxidil? A total yes for me because sometimes we all love love taking the natural route.

So, You Use Rosemary In Two ways:

1. Use essential oil with carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil, caster oil. Remember You need to dilute the essential oil with carrier oil.

2. Use Rosemary Water- Now, i feel this one is really flexible because you can basically use rosemary water everyday without it weighing your hair down and plus since is so easy to apply and basically low effort. It is much more easier to be consistent on get all the benefits.

Hair Care Routine

You really need to have good hair care routine, if you want your hair to stay on your head for longer. Start by following this basic tips to get started.

1. Use hair growth oil as your pre shampoo wash treatment. Also, do not use a lot of oil.

2. Use gentle sulfate free shampoo only.

3. Condition after every hair wash. I can’t stress this enough you need to condition your hair enough it’s thin fine hair please. Condition from mid lengths to the ends only.

4. Use Micro fiber towel or old soft tee, and pat dry and don’t rub.

5. Use heat protectant stay if you are going to use heat tools.

6. Lastly, Please be gentle with your hair.

Okay, so this was actually to get you started there is whole long list of things you need to know that will definitely save your hair for the longest time and will grant you oh-so-luscious hair with this post.

2. Stress: When Life Gets Too Hairy

Stress can literally make your hair fall out. It’s known as telogen effluvium, and it can be triggered by major life events, depression, emotional stress, physical stress, surgeries, or even severe illness. So, babygirl or babyboy, it’s time to take life a less serious for the sake of your well being.

Solution: The good news? This type of hair loss is usually temporary. Managing stress through meditation, exercise, or hobbies can help your hair come back as strong as ever.

You can try looking for more in these:

• Mediation

• Yoga- Balayam ( nail rubbing exercise ), check more yoga for managing stress

• Journalling

• Go out for walk everyday

• Watch Cute Dog and Cats Videos

• Practice gratitude

3. Hormonal Imbalance: More Than Just Mood Swings

It’s honestly sad but very true, that almost every single woman goes through hormonal imbalances every now and then due to various factors. But, Hormones play a huge role in regulating the hair growth cycle. Imbalances due to pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid issues can cause hair loss.

Solution: In many cases, treating the underlying hormonal imbalance can restore hair growth. Eating a balanced diet and consulting with a healthcare provider for proper treatment can be beneficial.

4. Nutritional Deficiencies: You Are What You Eat

We have all been there, and it is almost impossible in today’s stressful daily life with loads of choices of junk and what not, to maintain the enough nutrition in our body. Our hair is constructed from the nutrients we consume, and lacking essential vitamins and minerals is akin to building a house without bricks or mortar. Deficiencies in iron, zinc, and vitamins can lead to weakened hair structure and loss.

Solution: A diet rich in these nutrients is like restocking the construction site with the right materials. Foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and lean meats can provide the necessary components for robust hair growth.

Sure, you can get supplements too, linking you my favs below. But, try to fulfill these deficiencies as naturally as you can. You can try to add these supplements for meanwhile to combat hair loss now and i believe is to slowly decrease it with time and get all the nutrients naturally as a long term goal.

5. Scalp Infections

Microorganisms like fungi can invade the scalp, leading to conditions such as ringworm. This results in itchy, scaly patches and hair loss.

Solution: Medical intervention is key. Antifungal shampoos, creams, or oral medications prescribed by a healthcare provider can effectively treat the infection. Maintaining good scalp hygiene and avoiding sharing personal items like combs can prevent such infections.

Also, as a natural home remedy that works so good in getting rid of scalpy patches or dandruff too is using:

• Coconut oil + 2 Camphor Balls

So, you need to melt the camphor balls in coconut oil using double boiler method. I swear it smells so amazing and really helps, just be sure to use sulfate free gentle shampoo for washing it, since this remedy dries your hair and sulfate shampoo is already dry that will definitely render this remedy useless.

Try it once every 15 days.

6. Heat Styling: The High-Temperature Hazard

Excessive use of heat styling tools can lead to moisture loss, making hair brittle and prone to breakage.

Solution: While i know we all love to look our best. But, Minimize the use of heat by air-drying your hair, using cooler settings, or taking breaks from styling. Heat protectant products can also shield hair from damage. And, Rock that natural hair gurl!!

7. Harsh Hair Products: Chemical War on Strands

Sulfates, parabens, and other harsh chemicals in hair products can strip hair of its natural oils and weaken the hair shaft. And, as tempting as it is to color your hair every now and then, my babes please resist for the sake of your beautiful natural hair.

Solution: Switch to natural or organic hair care products. Look for gentle, sulfate-free options and consider using a weekly deep conditioning treatment to restore moisture.

8. Over-Brushing: The Damaging Friction

Vigorous brushing can cause mechanical stress on hair, leading to breakage and fallout. It is your own hair and you need to be gentle with it please.

Solution: Use a soft-bristled brush or a wide-tooth comb ( using neem wood comb helps do much) . Brush gently, starting from the ends and working your way up to avoid pulling and breaking.

9. Iron Deficiency Anemia: Starved Strands

Just like plants needs water to grow, similarly hair needs iron to grow and make it your job to feed it well. Iron is crucial for hair growth. Without it, hair can enter the resting phase too soon and shed prematurely. 

Solution: Iron-rich foods like spinach, lentils, and red meat can boost iron levels. In some cases, iron supplements may be necessary, but they should be taken under medical supervision.

You can also try a mix of seeds and nuts mixture every day to combat hair loss. Just have one tablespoon each day and notice your hair getting healthier.

10. Hypothyroidism: The Thyroid Connection

So, maybe you might suspect that the hair fall is not due to stress, genetics and maybe you have ruled out pcos too. An undetected thyroid can slow down metabolism, including hair growth, leading to thinning hair.

Solution: Thyroid hormone replacement therapy can normalize hormone levels, which may improve hair growth. Regular monitoring by a healthcare provider is essential.

11. Medications

This is absolutely true that sometimes some medications affect our hair a lot and actually some major hair fall issues due to the heavy dose of steroids present in them.

Solution: As much heartbreaking it can be, talking to your doctor can actually help regarding this situation. And, it is important to know at the end of the day it is just hair, it’ll grow back once you have healed. So, don’t worry and certainly don’t blame your meds they are what keeping you healthy.

12. Age: The Silver Lining

Getting older means your hair might not be the party animal it once was. It can get thinner and grow slower. 

Solution: You can’t turn back time, but you can still treat your hair right. Eat well, be gentle with it, and maybe even embrace the silver streaks – they’re like natural highlights!

You can try adding collagen to your diet through bone broths and supplements, believe me it actually helps.

13. Weight Loss: Deiting

Losing weight super fast can shock your body, and your hair can decide to peace out because of the stress.

Solution: Take it slow on the weight loss journey, and make sure you’re eating a rainbow of nutrients to keep your hair on board.

14. Excessive Styling

Tight hairstyles are like putting your hair in a vice. Over time, that pressure can make it give up and fall out. Put your high pony to rest please and rock those hair down looks.

Solution: Let your hair breathe. Go for styles that don’t pull so much, and give your scalp a break now and then.

Make sure to massage your scalp everyday for 5-10 mins for that extra circulation to your follicles.

15. Vitamin D Deficiency: The Sunshine Scarcity

Who knew vitamin d could be so important for your hair health? Vitamin D is like your hair’s best friend, and not having enough is like going through a friend breakup. It can lead to hair loss.

Solution: Get out in the sun – it’s like free therapy for your hair. And munch on some vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish, salmon or fortified milk.

16. Smoking: The Fuming Fallout

Smoking’s bad news for your lungs and your hair. It can mess with the blood flow to your hair follicles and leave them gasping for air.

Solution: Quitting smoking is like giving your hair a breath of fresh air. It’s tough, but it’s worth it for all of you.

17. Hard Water

Hard water has so many minerals, it’s like washing your hair with rocks. It can build up and make your hair weak.

Solution: A filter for your shower can soften things up, or use a shampoo that’s like a detox for your hair.

18. Autoimmune Diseases: The Inner Battle

Sometimes your body gets confused and starts attacking your hair like it’s a foreign invader causing aloepecia.

Solution: This one’s serious, and you’ll need a doctor to help sort it out. They can give you meds that tell your body to chill out and stop the friendly fire.

19. Pollution: The Dirty Air Affair

Living in a place with lots of pollution is like putting your hair in a smoggy sauna. It gets all grimy and stressed out.

Solution: Keep your hair clean, and maybe throw on a hat when you’re out and about in the city smog.

20. Trichotillomania: The Urge to Pull

This psychological condition causes an irresistible urge to pull out one’s hair, leading to noticeable hair loss.

Solution: Psychological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective. Habit reversal training and stress management techniques can also help. If you are going through it i hope you heal faster, lots of love! It’ll be alright!

21. Alcohol Consumption

Understand that your hair and body needs immense hydration to nourish your body. Too much alcohol can leave your hair dry and sad, just like a hangover does to your mood.

Solution: Cutting back on the booze can help your hair stay hydrated and happy.

22. UV Rays

Just like your skin, your hair can get hurt by too much sun. It can get all dry and brittle, and before you know it, it’s falling out.

Solution: Protect your hair like you protect your skin. Hats, scarves, or UV-protectant hair products are like sunscreen for your strands.

23. Plastic Brushes: The Static Culprits

Plastic brushes can create static electricity, leading to hair becoming brittle and unmanageable. This static can irritate the scalp and weaken hair roots, potentially causing hair loss.

Solution: It’s so important to Opt for wooden or natural fiber brushes that generate less static. They are gentler on the hair and scalp, reducing the risk of damage.

Extra tip: Swap the cotton pillow case for silk pillowcase and then watch your hair state.

24. Tangled Hair

Tangled hair, if not managed properly, can lead to breakage and split ends. Persistent pulling and tugging during detangling can cause hair loss.

Solution: To treat this hair fall, check the ingredients list of your conditioner and if it contains silicones, replace it with a silicone-free conditioner. Also start using a clarifying shampoo once a month and do deep conditioning treatments twice a month.

Regular conditioning and using detangling products can help. Gentle combing with a wide-toothed comb and protective hairstyles can prevent tangling.

25. Lack of Sleep

Insufficient sleep can increase stress hormones like cortisol, which may lead to hair thinning and loss. It can also disrupt the hair growth cycle.

Solution: Prioritize good sleep hygiene, manage stress, and consult a healthcare provider if sleep issues persist.

26. Oily Scalp: The Overproductive Sebum

 An oily scalp can result from hormonal imbalances or conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, leading to clogged follicles and hair fall.

Solution: Treat underlying conditions, balance hormones, and use shampoos formulated for oily scalps to manage sebum production.

There you have it guys,

Hair loss can be a bummer, but it’s not the end of the world. With the right approach, you can tackle it head-on and keep your locks luscious. Remember, everyone’s hair journey is unique, so what works for one person might not work for another. Stay positive, stay informed, and don’t be afraid to talk to a professional if you’re concerned.

Keep on shining, and here’s to a future full of good hair days!

P.S.: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or remedy to ensure it’s safe and suitable for you.

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